The Beauty of Men

The Beauty of Men


The Beauty of Men

Formato papel


pvp.5,00 €

With the Beauty of Men comes Holleran's third novel, a brilliant, passionate, lyrical story of a man ashamed to be mourning the loss of his own youth as so many around him die young. Andrew Holleran follows Lark, the main character, on a series of trips to a Florida nursing home to care for his mother and on excursions to a local boat ramp, the gym, and the baths - all the while introducing a remarkable cast of characters both in the present and in Lark's memory of his life in Manhattan." "A universal tale of loneliness, aging, and the obsessive desires of the human heart, The Beauty of Men is both moving and full of dark humor, bleak but erotic.

Otros libros de Andrew Holleran

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